I cut one out of copy paper then let her trace it.
She cut it out herself.
She searched for just the right googly eyes. She laid it all out to make sure she liked it.
I cut some mini skewers in half so she could paint them.
We were trying to make our little project last. It allowed more time to think of words that started with the wa sound. She glued everything into place and we are thinking it turned out pretty cute! Gotta love the paint that made it to the forehead.
*note- I realize she is using big scissors. I was with her the entire time and she does quite well with them. I wouldn't suggest it if you aren't sure your little one has the skill mastered.
*I'm linking this project up with Ramblings of a Crazy Woman- We Made it- Friday Showcase. There are always great ideas shared there. Go check it out!
That is toooo cute! Love it.
Hope you guys are having a fantastic 2010!
I have had so much teaching my little one preschool! I your "W"!
I love the "w" for whisker idea.
I love the whisker idea!!!
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