Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"A" Little Gratefulness ~C~

I hope you will consider joining me in this gratefulness challenge. You can read more about it here.

Here goes it for this week:


cori, cassi, cali
- I know it goes with out saying but I am so grateful God gave them to me. That I was trusted to bring them into the world and guide them while we spend our lives together. For this, I am eternally grateful.

children- Not just my own. I love all children and I'm very thankful that my life has often been surrounded by their innocence and joy. How very dull my life would be without the smiles and laughter of children. On a daily basis, some of the most special parts of my day are because of a child.

crushes- I think of this now because two of my girls are just starting to have crushes on boys, on adults they know, on people who are wonderful. It may seem unimportant but, again what I wanted by making this list was to acknowledge things in my life or things that have happened in my life that I'm grateful for that may not always be remembered. Do you remember back in your youth when you first realized you really liked someone but couldn't quite explain why. One might call it love, but I know what love feels like and they are different. I see what is happening with my girls and I remember. And I am grateful to have experienced that many times in my life and I'm grateful they are too. Imagine missing out on that feeling. Aren't you grateful for your crushes too? :)

**Since I am trying to do this to bring awareness to things I am grateful for that may not be obvious I combined my girls into one group. Also, there may be times when one would assume I'd mention more obvious answers for a letter. I will include them somewhere in my list, not to worry. About my girls though, I didn't want them to someday read this list, especially at a time where they may not have the wisdom to understand it all, and think I left them off, so even though it's obvious, here they are! :)

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