Friday, February 20, 2009


Opening Night.
The girls are orphans, then they are citizens in the street. Cassi is a boy while she is an orphan.

I can't take pictures while they are on stage because my flash is far too weak. I did get pictures taken of them but I heard the guy had trouble with his flash too so I am waiting to see if his come out.
Cori was being difficult tonight so I took this of her during warm ups, in her orphan costume.

These are a couple from the green room where the girls reside while waiting to go on stage. I took many but I am not sure about posting pictures of other kids in the pictures.

Here Amber was fixing Cassi's hair for me since I am hair challenged. I count Amber as one of the many blessings of my life!

Here they are wearing their bonnets for the street market scene.

And Cali has gotten quite comfortable with back stage and makes her way around fairly well. I am not sure what next years show will be but if there is a chance she can do something, she will be trying out. She has made it VERY clear. Amber curled her hair tonight during some down time. Don't they look cute?

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