Sunday, September 19, 2010

A New Spin on Art

SO, Daddy did it! He finally built the spinning art drum thing I'd been bugging him to do.

Cali and I have been talking about this thing since we saw this really cool version here.  Well actually, I first saw one here then followed their link to  Teacher Tom's.  Anyhow, I'd been bugging Scott and he finally did it.  He really did it!

It was finished on Friday and we really wanted to test it out but Cori was having a sleepover for her 13th birthday celebration and therefor monopolized the majority of my time Friday night.

So Saturday, Cali and I decided the girls should go watch the Kenai swim meet then the homecoming football game so we could spin and paint, and paint and spin.

I set the thing up on our table although it would have just as simply worked on the floor.
First she opted to try painting with her feet which worked very well but I kept having to put oo more paint. Then she decided (her own idea I must say) to add hand prints to her masterpiece. These two things go together, she told me.

After we decided we'd gave that a good try we changed the paper and I gave her some paint brushes.  She had to tell me if I was to spin fast and s-l-o-w. She tried side-to-side and up and down. What she really loved was splattering the paint but when I realized it was making it's way to my front window, we nixed it for a sunny day in our near future.

I think the art rollers I'd read about were made a bit fancier than ours but Scott was able to use materials on hand so it didn't cast us any anything.  Grandpa got the drum at work 'cause he entertains my crazy ideas too. :)

I am hoping to take this into Cali's kindergarten to share soon. It makes a slight squeaking noise every now and then so I need to pad the screws. Also Cali says it need a handle and I've got to work on that.

In the mean time, we'll keep practicing art methods and design.

You know you want to try it. Admit it. It's OK, I did! :)


Shawn said...

So cool! It looks really fun.

4 Lettre Words said...

What kid wouldn't love that! What messy fun that was!