Well, it's funny how things seem to work out. Cori and Cassi have been asking me to take them to the local animal shelter for a while now. Last Wednesday I went ahead and took them by to have a look. We didn't figure we would find a dog for us being that we have always been on the hunt for a little animal. In the last cage there was this huge mowgli looking dog sitting quietly just staring at us. Cori loved him immediately, Cassi wasn't so sure. His size frightened her a little. I personally fell in love with the guy myself but didn't say much. Never in my life have I been a fan of large animals but he seemed to need me. We didn't pet him but we did go home and tell Scott all about him. I had been told he was likely a mastiff and Chesapeake mix. Kelly did a little research for me on the internet and found that they seemed to be great family dogs albeit a bit on the protective side. We did know from the shelter that he had a corn allergy but I hear it is common in the mastiff breed.
Scott and I went to the shelter the next day and spent the lunch hour with him. We put him through a few tests which he seemed to pass. I was still leery so the next day I went by to see him again with only Cali and I. They were giving him a bath so we stayed to help.
He has always been so calm and seems great with the kids. We stopped later that afternoon with Cori and Cassi to let them get near him as they hadn't been allowed to thus far. We took him for a short walk outside. Needless to say, Friday was his day. He came home with us. We have been very cautious as I still carry my past experiences with me but it seems for now, it was meant to be. His name is Tillman.
Well for what it's worth, from what we can see by the pics both Allie and I agree that Tillman will be a great pet. Sometimes you just know!! Jeanie
You were right and we thought so too. He is the best dog I have ever been around. He is a true sweetheart. He has some medical problems but he is still the best. He is so good with the kids; I couldn't have asked for better.
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