Tuesday, September 04, 2012

It's On! Cali's Clothes Challenge

Recently, Cali and I decided to go through her clothes. We pulled out everything that didn't fit and gave them to Annie. Cali was so fortunate to have darling little clothes passed down from her sisters and given to her by her Great Aunts and her Grandparents. There are so many things in her closet, there are even things with tags just hanging there.

We didn't buy a lot of clothes for the start of school this year but after sorting her closet I am so glad we didn't. I decided to try and make things fun for her so I offered her a challenge.  First, we hypothesized, how long do you think you can go without wearing the same outfit twice? I thought a  month sounded about right but she thought two months. We did decide jeans could be used twice and shoes are not included. Otherwise, nothing more than one time.

We decided we would try to photograph each outfit in order to help us remember. A couple of days we forgot to do that. (I had to write it down separately.)

We will update as we go but here is what we have so far.
We are on day 10. What is your guess, how many days will we make it?

1 comment:

Kimara said...

It seems like forever since I visited your blog. OMG... the girls are all so grown up. If I remember, we started our blogs around the same time. It's nice to see you are still blogging. So many of the blogs I enjoyed "back in the day" are now gone. It's fun to wander through the blogs that I visited in my early days. Wishing you and your family the best:) ~Kimara~